The next time you have an out-of-town guest comes to visit, ensure their bedroom is inviting and welcoming. Guestrooms or often called mother-in-law suites be just a bedroom and bathroom that is separate from the rest of the home with a door. Some others provide a kitchenette, a dining and living space as well as a laundry setup that is located off the main house or is an extension of the main home itself. Now designing your mother-in-law suite can be another ball game but take a look at the suggestions below on how to create the right mother-in-law suite for your home.
Image via: Terrat Elms Interior Design
Beautify the walls:
A simple way to add life and variety into your mother-in-law suite is by designing the walls. Paint colors on the walls that are rich, warm and inviting like beige or deep yellow. Wall paper is a great technique that will provide a more luxurious appeal for the intimate space. Have the wall art create the relaxing ambiance for the space with beach, open field, or meadow scenes. Wall sconces are perfect touches for the suite because they adjust the levels of the lighting within the space to the guests needs.
Image via: Su Casa Designs
Choosing the right furniture:
You want to create a calming and inviting space with the mother-in-law suite. So when selecting the furniture keep in mind modest comfort ability. To create a unified and refined look to the space have the dresser, nightstands or armories match also a queen sized bed is the best for the bedroom. Usually a single recliner or love seat is adequate enough for a reading area, if there is more space, then a seating arrangement can be made around the television area. If the suite has a kitchenette then a small dining table with two stools or chairs will better accommodate the area.
Image via: Meredith L. Bohn Interior Design
Textiles can make the room feel inviting
Again, keeping the comfort in mind choose high thread-count sheets for the bed and a duvet set that brings out the wall coverings. Also use some throw pillows for luxurious accents. Store extra blankets, pillows and sheets in the closet for easy access. The window treatments should be complimented with the bedding although exact matching is not a necessity. Select shades and blinds that add privacy and gives your guests the control of the natural light within the room.
Whether people come to live at your home for health reasons, budgeting or just plain old visitation; mother-in-law suites can be great separate solutions that help your guests to wind-down and relax. The suite can have some of the similar amenities with those consisted within your home or not. How you decide about designing your own suite is up to you, create it to be a luxurious hotel or small cottage the choice is yours. Follow some of the suggestions above and see how they work for you and your own home!