Choosing a Bath Rug Ideas For 2022
It occurred to me how bathroom rug collections can be the answer to giving this room a much needed update. Most of us cannot afford a remodel and have to live with what we have.
Having said that, don’t overlook the opportunity to change things up. Ask yourself this question, “what elements can be easily changed?” A few things come to mind that include towels, paint, rugs and shower curtains.
I just recently went through this in my own house so it resonates fresh in my mind. Consider color and how that can really jazz up a space. Patterns and shapes also can update the appearance. Take a look at the ten suggestions in this article and see if you find inspiration in how you can update your own space.
Excellent Quality Soft Bathroom Rugs
A great rug that helps to keep the feet warm when using your bathroom. Comes in a selection of different colors. Gray is a conservative choice as you can see. The plan is to keep it simple to highlight the grain of the flooring. The decorator chose to move the focus there and then accent the other accessories.
Multi Color Bath Mats
Crimson was tied out nicely in this floor plan. Having it on the floor, towel rack and the shower curtain keeps the color theme throughout and adds some much needed darker hues in this design.
Now this is a bold pattern above! This group will only work in a neutral style lavatory so there is not too much contrast and colors fighting one another. It takes more risk to pull this off, but can be worth it.
Bathroom Set 3 Rugs
What a fun and fresh pattern! It's nice that there is white trim in these examples and that the colors blend well, but also fit for a clean design which suits the overall purpose in bathroom design.
Here you see three different patterns that follow a central color theme. It can be hard to find this arrangement when shopping, but is very rewarding when it can be pulled off. It seems fitting that this is in an apartment with a view.