What makes a good assistant truly great? You might say varied functionality, ready for anything. Privacy and discretion are imperative, as is a professional and economical nature. Introducing the home office desk that will become your very own personal assistant. The Bureau desk from Horm has all of the features of a great personal assistant that make it an essential home furnishing from its very first day on the job. The Bureau is lightweight and open in design, with a low profile and small footprint ideal for small home offices or apartments where space is limited.
Designer Salvatore Indriolo engineered the compact desk to close on itself for privacy and size; the piece folds open for a large, tiered workspace and then closes over all of your paperwork when not in use. When closed, the Bureau desk by Horm holds all of your documents concealed inside, and the smaller, flat surface that remains is perfect for jotting a quick note across its smooth white surface. The contemporary styling of the angled wooden legs and crisp rectangular top are easy to include in the design of your home.
The size and style mean that the Bureau desk is suited for bedrooms, living rooms, studies, or any other place you have just a small length of empty wall space. Any room can become your workstation with the Bureau, the most indispensable and discreet personal assistant you’ll ever have. No matter where you work or how much space you have to work with, the Bureau desk is ready to make your life more organized. What will you store inside?